Write-up of the Unique telecast of GuruPurnima Occasion in Mumbai and Lucknow.
Babaji talked a lot about the guru-disciple connection and distributed some of his
experiences on day, which he hardly ever does. As regular, all the terms here are in direct
speech, significance whatever "I" you see below is Babaji's terms. In segment is what I have added
to add a little quality in my offerring of what was taken down from the TV telecast.
It is becoming absolutely worth noting that Babaji is discussing a lot of factors which
he never did before, some factors I believe Siddhas do only when enough time is right. It thus
becomes essential to capture the concept behind ever term of our expert and put it into act. In
this show it was quite obvious that the unexpected happens with the symphony of the whole guru
mandala who are assisting us out in some or the other way. Babaji highlighted in this message
that no one is alone and there is continuous assistance available at all periods, offered we learn
how to tap it and get connected to it. Again, Babaji has highlighted the complete significance of learning
to get connected to him and relying on the procedure. All Babaj's diamond jewelry documented here in this
blog are no query valuable but here comes a concept as a indication to all those gemstones and as a
reminder to concentrate on advait sadhana, absolutely on nonduality. Babaji has put more attention
on this factor during this typical concept. It would be fulfilling if one needs a chance to read
through these factors and quit to consider on them, which can help these important
messages pierces strong into the spirit. Namah Shivaya.
1. My expert said, "Whoever comes to you, do not see what they have to say or what they do,
see the objectives behind them as the bhaav is essential. Bhaav is the power. So see the
energy and everything will be seen."
2. The vital factor that spiritual techniques instructs is to become a individual. It wakes up the
consciousness within.
3. As you start the inner trip the granthis (knots) start.
4. Second is unconditional love; how much you provide is more essential that how much you
5. Providing really like to your close relatives members itself with rate up your religious improvement.
6. Clean the holes of others, help others and carry happiness on other people's experience and everything
starts modifying.
7. If the terms that come out of the oral cavity area inspires someone and delivers serenity and
happiness to someone, you have gained punya (merits).
8. If anyone learns your terms and seems sad you have gained a paap (demerit or sin) and if
someone is harm and whines after enjoying your terms then you have designed a
mahapaap (grave demerit or severe sin).
9. Enhance the God/Shiva in you.
10. You will have to help humankind to shift towards the lighter aspect.
11. As filtration begins occurring you start considering not from the brain but the center.
12. You are linked with me but even I am linked with someone (Babaji factors his finger
above) I am linked with the expert mandala. So they are also delivering their elegance to you
through me.
13. I saw that whatever house my expert went, it introduced pleasure, prosperity, wellness and
14. What a individual is, he gives it to everybody around. You can provide only what you have.
You can provide pleasure only if you are pleasure.
15. Create yourself so genuine that not only your lifestyle changes but your simple existence itself make
the lifestyles of individuals around modify.
16. Same way, one who is adverse is linked with bad efforts, and first his lifestyle breaks
down and then wherever he/she goes he/she keeps ruining everything around.
17. A expert does not need to go anywhere; you just need to get connected to him and contact him.
18. My expert did not cause me to his disciple but I created him my expert :)
19. Once you are making one your expert, he will not keep you. A expert does not make followers.
20. Once you agree to a expert then there is no lifestyle requirements or traditions. No garland, no
shawls - these are all representational.
21. A instructor will educate make dissertation and charts. A expert will expose to you that everything
is within you and to shift away the atmosphere of lack of knowledge and impression.
22. You keep doing sadhana and keep consolidating with the unlimited and one day when all
karmas will get rid of away and this day you will know that there is no consolidating but you
yourself are the unlimited. The 'you' will appear unlimited.
23. My expert offered me the elegance and concept when I was very younger but he did not educate me
any technique but only offered the concept. I keep in mind he requested me to get a guide and I had
put it down in a little red guide. He then went away and then forward, i just sat for
sadhana whenever possible and I was able to only due to his elegance.
24. One day when all the individuals in our haveli (mansion) had gone out and I was alone doing
my sadhana, instantly I saw myself (physical body) seated on the asana. I was surprised
to this. Then I began to shift remaining and right of one's individual body. Then I noticed that the "real I"
was out and it was the actual individual body that was seated. I got this knowledge that I am giving
you that this "I" is not this individual body. "I" see, listen to and discuss through this individual body. I am not this
body I am the spirit.. Shivohum.. I am Shiva. I used to shout this but it took lot of your efforts and power and attempt to
realize this reality. Being a little terrified, I believed I will shift around the space, and I started
moving around the space. Originally, I was nervous about all this but soon it started
happening with I sat for sadhana.
25. Then I met my expert out of this individual body who informed me a lot of factors. I requested him, "You could
have informed me all this previously why now?" He said, "Whatever I could tell you in this individual body I
told you. Now that you have come out of it, I will tell you and will take you and start
your further trip." And the trip began. "When you are with this individual body, you will
be connected to ego, avarice, and rage. Now you have approved a analyze and shifted forward and
now I'll provide you with further knowledge." Then one day he said he will not come any further. I
was terrified and requested him why and he said, "Our trip together was only until here and
from here whoever is yours until the end will come." I requested him, "Why didn't your come
earlier then and if you had to keep now, why did you ever come? Now, when I have got
attached to you, you say you are going? "He said, "You could not be familiar with me or seen
me then when you were in your individual body and you could achieve me only when you were
prepared and after that only it was possible." I used to never comprehend only one way of
any siddhas but there was regard and trust. My expert informed me, "Do not discuss these
things to all and whatever is occurring let it occur and you should proceed doing my
worldly karmas, otherwise you can get diverted and the karmas that you are supposed
to do will stay awaiting."
26. My expert also said not to use religious abilities to get over challenges but to keep
witnessing them though my karmas.
27. After my expert went I could not see him again and I explored for him everywhere and
even in Kumbh mela because that is a position where all team and experts come but I could
not discover him there. Lastly, frustrated I sat down for ugra (intensive/powerful) shakti
sadhana which later became soumya (soft).
28. When you provide, appreciate the sensation of giving and don't hang on to get something returning.
29. Whatever I am informing you is all within you. Do not run here and there in superstition.
30. In between the below narration Babaji requested everyone to shut their vision and take this
message as he is giving everyone this essential concept....Then I got the Shiv mantra
deeksha from Baba (Sai baba) and I began doing shiv sadhana. Then I was requested to do
intense sadhana (day and night) and I believed evening is expected to be getting to sleep time. One
night, as I rested the whole space began switching benefit down and I got up and was
scared. My asana was relaxing before me in a range and I shifted towards it with great
effort amongst the crumbling. When I achieved the asana everything instantly came back
to regular. But when I let my asana everything again shaken up. I noticed that this
was an indicated to do sadhana. I had to select a frequent time/regular position (Yama-
Niyam). I discovered factors the difficult way. Then, at 6 p.m. I used to instantly go into the
shambhavi mudra (eyes combined up-wards to the third eye) and this would occur at any
place. Then, forward when it was to be 6 p.m. I used to run to look for for a location
to sit down. (Babaji pressured here on following self-discipline of Yama-Niyama) I am lucky
that my expert was challenging and is a challenging expert. The last concept of my sadhana that my
guru offered me was "Aapko dhyao aapko bhajo." (meditate on yourself and worship
yourself) aap mein aapke Ram aap hokar rehthe hain. (in you, your God, becomes you). I
did not know what it intended. Then I kept Bhole baba at the front aspect on me and again he came
and said the same concept "Aapko dhyao.....". I launched many factors during my sadhana.
That is what I say to you , the same concept, that you may say you comprehend this but
this will cleanse you and can also carry a lot of ego in you. A ShivYogi is a genuine person
who will definitely comprehend this and go forward in sadhana. This is my concept to
you, a wonderful factor which he offered me. Advait sadhana which siddhas did, closing
their vision and getting into samadhi - see yourself. When I saw myself I sensed excellent, felt
peace, wherever pressure was there it got launched. I said to myself this was excellent. But as I
continued I began seeing unclean and afraid encounters and afraid thoughts. I was terrified and
opened my vision. Then I meditated on my expert and again his speech came in "Aapko
dhyao aapko bhajo" and then I noticed all the invisible sanskaras (psychic impressions)
hidden within me were beginning to appear and Prati Prasav began occurring. The base
of the sushumna began beginning. All reduced chakras began beginning up. Ignorance
started removal away. After that all the afraid and bad thoughts ceased and then started
good thoughts. Seeing them all, I then began seeing team, sadhus, ashrams, excellent actions,
bhandaras (blessed food/meals/feast) and enjoyable individuals. One day I started out my vision in
fright. When I shut my vision I now began seeing my expert in position of me. I achieved the
paramanand condition. I began getting the sensation of paropkaar (doing excellent or assistance to
others). My lifestyle actions modified. Whenever I shut my vision, I saw my expert. Then
I knowledge dawned upon me that whatever sanskaaras were there in my sushumna from
thousand of past lifestyles were all gone one by one. When the brain filtered and
became one with the expert and when shambhavi was triggered in my vision, and when my
guru said "Aapko dhyao ......." and when my interest was only on myself my thoughts all
impurities came out of myself and launched. The bad thoughts were from my own seo,
through so many lives that this spirit must have been through, all those tamoguni
karmas were in the platform of the sushumna, and they were launched. After that all the
vaibhav (riches/prosperity) that I had knowledgeable and all the ego that was associated
with it and all the recognized I knowledgeable from the globe were also by means of rajoguni
karmas in the sushumna. Then the elegance of expert " "Aapko dhyao ......." proved helpful on me.
Till enough time there is the "I" and dropping at legs, this also is a sanskaar. The day the
"bodyness" or "I'ness" or the "name" vanishes that day there will be no sanskaras.
When the wish to carry the self's name forward then sanskaras will keep - the rajoguni
karmas in the platform of the sushumna, the tamoguni karmas in the middle of the sushumna
and satoguni karmas in the higher aspect of the sushumna. When these are launched with
the elegance of the expert then there will be guru's darshan (vision). Encounter the world
with one's individual body that has been designed to achieve it but also keep in thoughts that it is all
mithya (temporary/false/illusion). You have not come in this globe to take but to give
to the globe. Who wishes to take from the globe will always discover sadness and those who
only plan to provide they will stay satisfied always. If at all you want to take, take from
the Guru, take from Shiva. Guru comes to provide elegance but not make followers but he waits
when the disciple can lead him to his expert. You don't get unlimited with dvait (duality)
sadhana - reflect on the self. It might provide you with some improvement with some benefits but
will not allow you to unlimited.
31. With Dvait (duality) Sadhana you will not get anything, maybe you will get some of the
worlds prosperity but you will not get the unlimited. "Main hi upasak hoon aur primary hi
upasya." (I am the worshiper and I am the item of praise.) Do not look for outside. Infinite is
inside. I know it requires time; it took here we are at me also. You also reflect on your self and
then see me me with your own self. The day your filtration happens that day you will
see your expert within you. That period you will not be there only HE will be there. You will
experience SHIVA. That period you will not be there only SHIVA will be there. That one
who cannot be designed and cannot die. It is you itself. Even if halahal vish (poison) comes
out let the manthan (churning) go on. If prosperity come out don't run crazily behind it
neither eliminate it, let it occur. Then in the end amrit (nectar) will come out and then
you consume the nectar and you will become underworld - the ultimate rise - the freedom
for the pattern of beginning and loss of life - independence from wishes.
32. Aapko dhyao aapko bhajo.... This is applicable in worldliness too. Don't say, "I took this
mantra from Babaji but look at what others are doing?" I will still say, "Aapko dhyao,
unko kyo dhya rahe ho?" Meditate on yourself only.
33. On gurupurnima, Shiva and Shakti are popular everywhere because you are
connected to your expert and your expert is linked with his expert and thus you are all
connected to the expert mandala - linked with Baba Nityananda, Baba Gorakhnath,
Mahavtar Baba, Bhagwan Sai nath and so and so you are linked with the expert of
gurus Bhagwan Dattatreya, who is again linked with Dakshinamurty Bhagwan Shiva
and Bhagwati is linked with Shiva. So those who are linked these days can never have
scarcity in their lifestyles. The shakti comes through Siddhaloka and gets to you. I have often
told this and I again do it again. Do not ever think that you are alone. Whoever has a guru
can never be alone because who has a expert, he connects you to all gods and if you are a
sadhak then Bhagwan Datta becomes required. Bhole baba becomes required to those who
remove the "I" liness and if you are in problems and if you cannot achieve to Master Shiva, the
guru will carry Shiva to you.
34. I am discussing nothing but the truth - Never experience hopeless. Call once and see. How many
times have you known as Shiva or known as the expert when you are in problems. Do you contact or
keep brooding over the issue. If you have any issue any lifestyle or individual body near your
eyes and contact Baba and he will be there. Phones information come asking Baba to heal
and then a indication comes again enquiring if it has been informed to Baba or not. He will contact,
BUT ARE YOU CALLING? You are still with the cellphone. There is no need of the
phone. Understand! Who can achieve you to cure you, does he need to pay attention to a phone
call? Close your vision and contact Baba to come and cure and discuss your issue and be
receptive to treatment. Then don't run around. Link your 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 20 minutes and
call and see. Ask and see and if the issue does not go away gradually or if you don't get
any alternatives, then you can say 'Babaji you have not done anything.' Today is
Gurupurnima day and so I am informing you this.
35. Sustain astheya. Everything is there in variety in the galaxy. If you have to
receive, generate it with your hardwork. "Seek and it shall be given to you." (Christ's words)
36. Create your individual body fit first with Yoga work out, pranayam and work out because this is your first
door to achieve to the last phase. Tulsidasji said, "Bade bhaag manushya tan paava." (Very
fortunate to get a individual body) If there is no individual body then you cannot sit to do sadhana.
You need it first. Create niyam (observances). So many asanas, so many pranayam, so
much of yoga.
37. Route all your efforts to one factor, not spread in different guidelines. Drink tea,
read magazines, browse TV applications (Babaji mocked about the amazing news
programs) What have you to do with all these things? Tum chahthe kya ho? Do you want
to see what is amazing there or help life? If you channel all your efforts to
one concentrate, then you will be successful in lifestyle.
38. First be a individual then religious. Major is sensation of unconditional really like and good care. Go
home and shout "Aa chal ke tujhe...."
39. You have karmic relationships household members members. If someone is disappointed help that person
out. It is your liability to take off their sadness. No big factors you can do here, just say "I
care for you.. I really like you."
40. When I used to do my expert used to ask me "If someone gets upset with you or throw
tantrums or do some error at the front aspect of you, what will you do? I said that I will take to
task. Then my expert said, "You are not yet perfect, do more sadhana." Then he requested, "If you
children are getting fed up and are screaming what will you do?" I said that I would make
them comprehend and my guru's response was the same. Then doing my sadhana when I
understood who I am, then when the same query was requested I responded, "I will give
them love".
41. The sun only gives sunshine, mom ganga gives only normal water, apple shrub gives mangoes
and not tamarind. What it is, it gives. I am the unconditional really like, so just give really like. After
this I saw that all my projects began occurring. Because who is in sadness, he only is
shouting. So how will you provide peace? By just giving really like. Shouting, frightening and
counseling is not required. So when kids do all this - just give really like. Then they will
become your buddies and start knowing you.
42. To all sadhaks - To get improvement in sadhana do everything at all. We always
do something to get something. Even same in sadhana, if you modify our bhaav
(intentions) and instead of concentrating on getting if you concentrate more on giving, then you
will even get more.
43. What my expert trained me in the most easiest way I am training you. When he informed me
this first I never recognized it but noticed it the day when I noticed my "self" and when
you recognize your "self" you will know that there is nothing to take because
whatever you want to take is within you itself. When I noticed I was getting everything
from myself then all that I was looking for now was filtration, relax all is within me.
44. Why do obstructions occur in sadhana? It is because of the getting and attracting
attitude. If I only think of giving in sadhana, all gates will start and circulation will increase
and the elegance of Shiva will improve and you will improvement.
Babaji performed the wonderful music that is in this image of the Guru Mandala.
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