http://www.mahashivratri.org/ [MahaShivaRatri: Night of Lord Shiva]
http://www.holifestival.org/ [Holi: Festival of Colors]
http://www.diwalifestival.org/ [Diwali: Festival of Lights]
http://www.bhaidooj.org/ [Bhai Dooj: Celebrating Brother-Sister relation]
http://www.raksha-bandhan.com/ [Raksha Bandhan: Celebrating Brother-Sister relation]
http://www.durga-puja.org/ [Durga Puja: For Goddess Durga]
http://www.karwachauth.com/ [Karwa Chauth: Celebrated by 'Married Women']
http://www.pongalfestival.org/ [Pongal: Harvest Festival of South India]
http://www.baisakhifestival.com/ [Baisakh: Harvest Festival of Punjab]
http://www.lohrifestival.org/ [Lohri: Festival to Worship Fire]
http://www.onamfestival.org/ [Onam: Homecoming of Legendary King Mahabali]
http://www.teejfestival.org/ [Teej: Dedicated to Devine Couple Shiva-Parvati]
http://www.krishnajanmashtami.com/ [Krishna Janmashtami: Shri Krishna's Birthday]
Devotion and Customs:
http://www.templenet.com/ [Information on Temples]
http://www.devotionalsongs.com/ [Devotional Songs]
http://www.archaka.com/ [Puja]
http://www.bhajans.org/ [Bhajan Kirtan]
http://www.mandirnet.org/ [Temple Resources]
http://www.jyotirlinga.com/ [Information on Jyotir Lingas]
http://www.deityworship.com/ [Worship Procedures by ISKCON]
http://www.ramanuja.org/ [Sri Vaishnava - Ramanujacharya]
http://www.krishnascience.com/ [Krishna Science]
http://www.alltm.org/ [All About Transcendental Meditation]
http://www.oshoworld.com/ [Osho World - Vision of an Enlightened Master]
Music and Art:
http://www.sanatansociety.com/ [Paintings of Vedic Gods]
http://www.kalarippayat.com/ [Martial Arts from Kerala]
http://www.artindia.net/ [Indian Dance and Music]
http://www.sruti.com/ [Magazine For Indian Classical Music and Dance]
http://www.nadanam.com/ [Deepali Ravi - Masters Degree in BharatNatyam]
http://www.maitreyaproject.org/ [Maitreya Buddha Project - Kushinagar, UP, INDIA]
http://www.moscowtemple.org/ [Moscow Vedic Temple & Cultural Center]
http://www.skandavale.org/ [Lord Subrahmanya - Group of Temples in Europe]
http://www.vedicfriends.org/ [Sharing the Universal Dharma]
http://www.srimeru.org/ [Shri Subbarao Kompella - Soundarya Lahiri]
http://www.dycusa.org/ [Swami Ganapathi Satchidananda - Datta Yoga Center]
http://www.artofliving.org/ [Sri Sri Ravi Shankar - Art Of Living]
http://www.sanatansociety.org/ [Students of Harish Johari]
http://www.amma.org/ [Mata Amritanandamayi Devi]
http://www.sathyasai.org/ [Shri Satya Sai Baba]
http://www.tm.org/ [Maharishi Mahesh Yogi - Transcendental Meditation]
http://www.divyayoga.com/ [Swami/Baba Ramdev - Divya Yoga]
http://www.bksiyengar.com/ [Yogacharya B.K.S. Iyengar]
http://www.bikramyoga.com/ [Yogiraj Bikram Choudhury's Yoga College]
http://www.sahajayoga.org/ [Mataji Nirmala Devi - Sahaja Yoga]
http://www.shaktisadhana.org/ [Spiritual Discipline of Vedic and Tantric Practice]
http://www.swaminarayan.org/ [Bhagwan Swaminarayan - BAPS]
http://www.iskcon.org/ [International Society for Krishna Consciousness]
http://www.arshabodha.org/ [Spiritual Teachings of Ancient India]
http://www.dhanwantri.org/ [Upliftment of Brahmin Community]
http://www.classicalyoga.org/ [Classical Yoga Hindu Academy]
http://www.atmajyoti.org/ [Ashram - Path of Om Yoga meditation]
http://www.nathorder.org/ [Shri Gurudev Mahendranath - International Nath Order]
http://www.gauranga.org/ [Hare Krishna Center For Vedic Studies]
http://www.gita-society.com/ [International Gita Society]
http://www.vedic-community.org/ [Maharishi Vedic Community USA]
http://www.mandalayoga.net/ [Mandala Yoga Ashram - UK]
http://www.awgp.org/ [All World Gayatri Pariwar]
http://www.sannyas.net/ [Friends of OSHO]
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